In the event you or someone you know is experiencing a psychiatric emergency or mental health crisis, please contact the relevant resource. Alternatively, attend the emergency department at your local hospital.
South African Police Service
South African Police Service
South African Cellphone Emergency Line
Suicide Crisis Line
0800 567 567
0861 322 322
SADAG Mental Health Line
011 234 4837
Akeso Psychiatric Response Unit 24 Hour
0861 435 787
Dr Reddy’s Help Line
0800 21 22 23
Cipla 24hr Mental Health Helpline
0800 456 789
Cipla Whatsapp Chat Line
076 882 2775
Adcock Ingram Depression and Anxiety Helpline
0800 70 80 90
Pharmadynamics Police & Trauma Line
0800 20 50 26
Department of Social Development Substance Abuse Line (24hr helpline)